This is a message from FBI....
all information in this blog is the government top secret...
do not ever talk about it in your daily life....
otherwise, death compound will be your last thing to worry about...
mwah ha ha.....

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Hmmmm...i wonder how long since i updated my last entry...hehe... mehhh...who care? Its not that anyone would read my fact, i hope there are no one reading my entries due to my sole purpose making this blog which is for the future me will read this and dont forget who i am... =)

Anywy, lets get started...

Overthink....this problem has been haunting me for the past 5 years i guess (now i am 21)... i think other people do hve this problem too but they just keep it for themselves...however, after ive been thinking, there are pros and cons for overthink (wonders if problem hve its well i guess for me at least...

Pros: sometimes, when i overthink, i will think of everything...well i guess im kinda multitasking...hehe... but trust me, u really dont want that... if there is any problem, i will think of all possible solutions, including something which usually dont happen in real life...==... however, it really help me facing those problem...i am becoming more prepared...(bangga kejap)... another pro is that im capable to plan and predict what to do next...

Cons: it is very, very, very tiresome... i will exhausted after series of overthink...i also tend to ignore people surround me...(which i am really3 sorry for that)...but i couldnt help it... T_T besides, i will get dizzy and lose all my 'good mood'.... i tend to think thing that are useless and not suppose to is literally causing depression...i also think that this problem cause my 'people pleaser' attitude...

U know, after these year ive been enduring this bullshit, i get used to it... maybe i cant hide it but at least i can cope with the feeling...ive been trying hard to remove it...i try keeping myself busy, try to relaxing my mind and share it with others...but it just help temporarily...=(
There is a story which i couldnt day, i faced a problem and keep thinking about it....i hve listed all possible solution...but my mind keep thinking... then, my good friend try to help me.. she ask me to tell her what is troubling me...after i telling her everything, she came out with several solution to my problem....but at the end i keep refusing her help..i dont even accepting her opinion because it has crossed my mind earlier... then, it get worst... i try to keep silent to prevent me from doing something stupid... however, my friend, on the other hand, feels sad and guilty because she cant help me... i feel terrible and shame on me...
After that accident, i started thinking why its not working...then i realize, u cant help an overthink person by giving him more idea to think of... the right way, i think, is to distract him/her, make them feel calm and does help me....
I wish i could tell her i wonder if she still feel the same way.... i hope future me will never forget this... it really affecting my personality...

P/s: ignore the spelling and gramatical error... i am improvising my self... i am really bad in english... sorry

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


hohohhohoho...........stlh tekun mngedit blog ni siap jgk ahirnye...
xtaula ok ke....rse nk tkr pkrn tkrla blk bnd laen nnt..
da lme x update blog...xde mse + MALAS~
lg2 lak ak tgh bz skang ngn final exam yg makin dekat ni..
mmg jrgla ak on9,, ape lg bkk blog ak ni..
arp2 ak dpt bwt yg tebaek tok final sem ni...INSYAALLAH~

Sunday, February 27, 2011


lmenye ta bkk blog...(walhl mlz nk tles)..
Malaz ye...Hmmmmmm.....
Sbnrnye ak nie x la mlz owg slalu kte ak mlz....
Ak ni lbey kuang 70% mlz, 30% rjin...wawawawawa
Dri kck ak da mmg cmnie..
so, kpd bakal steri tercnta(kalo ad t)..BEWARE!!!
ap ag ek....
da la, MLZ nk pk n taip ag....
t kalo ak da rjin ak smbg....
ye la, tjuk pown da tis mlz..kne la jd mlz....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ak rse ak nie ad dwipersonaliti.....
plik kn????
Ak nie ley jd snyp owgnye....
x byk ckp...
wat kje sowg2....
x ske sbuk psl owg len....
walaupn ak rse cm nk ckp, tp x ley nk ckp....
ak akn pk byk kli utuk ckp stu ayt.....
Personaliti yg first nie brlku mse ak ngan fm ak....
x taw npe....
x kre la kt ne...
yg pntg ble ak dok ngan fm ak.........
cmfm bnde nie jdk.....
k..2 yg frst....
yg ag stu.....Ak nie ley jdk hyperactive....
gle2...x mlu....
byk ckp....
ske kaco owg......
sng cte jao gle beze ngan yg frst td.....
yg nie lak slalu jdk ble ak dok ngan kwn2 ak...
x kre la kt hostel ke...
lpk2 ke.......
jmpe kjp ke...
tepon ke...
fb ke....
ak slalu pk......asl la jd cmnie....
ble ak cte kt mmbr2 ak...
sume ta cye....
ak rse kn...mngkn mse kck2 dlu ak nie terkongkong sgt....
2 yg ble jmpe dunie lua sume bnde kua....
who know???
pk2 kn la...


Spe ak ek????
Yg ak taw nme ak Mohd Hazwan Haziq bin Khirjuari....
Dok kt BP/Muar...
Pnh skola kt byk skola....byk kowt...
x kowt....
Rmai ckp ak pndy.....Tp bg ak, ak nie ta de la pndy sgt....
Rmay yg ag pndy dri ak....
Mmg dri kck prktaan 2 x pnh lri dri ak....( t ak cte pasl mlz..hehe)
Kalo tnye spe ak yg sbnr...
Ak akn jwb...AK X TAW....
Ak x taw nk ckp ak nie cmne...=(
tp x brmkne ak x taw ak nie cmne....cme ak x taw nk cter...
Mngkn sbb prangai ak nie slalu ubh2...
Even ak pown x ley agk ak nie dlm mood ap...
Ap yg psti....
ak akn cbe wat owg len hepi n selese ble ngan ak....
ag 1, ak nie ske dgr mslh owg len....
pas2 ak akn bg opinion ak cmne nk selesaikn....
kre ak nie pendengar yg bek la...hehe....
ak x ske cter mslh ak kt owg len.....
ak pown ta taw.......
agknye sbb 2 la otk ak nie trbeban sgt....
byk mslh pndm je....
sbb 2 la ak wat blog.....hehe...=p
ak nie ske gle ble pk....
x ksh la bnde kck mne pown....
sbb 2 ak ske dgr mslh owg......n try to solve it....
that's explain much on why until now i'm still not able 2 swimming....
 sbb ak asyk pk yg bkn2....
lemas la...
tergelncr la....
n kdg2 byk pk pown bwk mslh...
2 yg kdg2 owg tgk ak blur je....
ap2 pown....
ak msh x dpt explore dri ak ag.....
ta pe la....
until next time...

Monday, January 31, 2011


Actually, ak pown ta tw npe ak wat blog nie...
Nk kte pngrh rkn sbye??
x kowt...Sbb ak x ske ikot2 owg.....
Nk kte sje2??
x jgk kowt....
Abes ap????
ak cbe jdkkn blog nie stu tmpt utk ak luahkn ap yg x dpt ak luahkn dalam dunie sbnr....
ak hrp bnde nie brksn....
kalo pndm je...bley mletop otak ak.....
Ag pown...ak nk kji dri ak sndri....
bek ke ak nie....bgz ke pndpt ak...
maybe ble ak da kawen ke...da dpt ank ke....
ble ak tgk blek blog ak nie....ak bley pk blek ap yg ak pnah wat mse mde dlu.....
I hope soon I would know who really I am......